
SLRWRF Recycled Water Tank

Kelsey Structural provided the structural design and review for a new 2.0 MG Recycled Water Tank for the City of Oceanside San Luis Rey Water Reclamation Facility (SLRWRF). The new tank is a partially-buried AWWA D110 prestressed concrete tank measuring 107’ in diameter and 34’ tall, with two-way concrete roof slab system supported by 21 columns.  Structural design included D110-13 tank core wall, vertical and circumferential prestressing, seismic cables, bearing pads, two-way concrete roof slab and columns, wall footings and thickened slab-on-grade foundation designed to accommodate differential settlements across the radius of the tank. Design considerations were made for soil subgrade preparation due to liquefaction potential at the site, and required soil improvements by means of wet soil mixing to minimize potential settlement of the tank.  Kelsey Structural served as the Structural Engineer of Record, stamping both the structural calculation package and structural drawings.